مقالات انگلیسی
۱۷- التغییرات الاساسیه فی التعلیم و التربیه و کیفیه مواجهتها الفعاله
ترجمه خطابه «تغییرات بنیادین در تعلیم و تربیت» بالعربیه
۱۶- Les changements dans le milieu éducatif et comment y faire face
French translation of a lecture for activitist in education.
۱۵- Fundamental Changes in Education and Our Active Response to Them
English translation of a lecture for activitist in education
۱۴- Západní humanismus, který tři sta let dominoval světu, je v úpadku
Počet příspěvků: ۱, poslední ۱۴.۲.۲۰۲۱ ۰۱:۵۹ Zobrazuji posledních 1 příspěvků
۱۳- Answers to Some Questions about My Position on the Arguments for the Existence of God
Hamidreza Ayatollahy’s answers to Eugeny Loginov’s questions about my position on the arguments for the existence of God
۱۲ – The Importance and Relevance of the Issue of Social and Human Sciences for Islamic Communities in the Contemporary World
An Exclusive Interview with Professor Hamidreza Ayatollahy, in the third international conference on “Thoughts of Human Sciences in Islam” Jakarta, November 16-17th, 2016
۱۰ – Codes of Ethics for Virtual Space
The present research attempts to present simply ethical directives in different conditions of virtual space for different officials involved in virtual space
۰۹ – Islamic Approach to Ethics in Virtual Space: Distinctions, and Methods
For the formulation of Islamic attitude to ethics in virtual space, specific and fundamental considerations should be taken into account so that its Islamic spirit would be preserved